all posts tagged with: mobile

Development Battle - Android vs. iOS - Part 4: Deployments, Analytics, and Metrics

Let’s take a look at the last mile of the mobile application process, deploying to users and post deployment.

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Development Battle - Android vs. iOS - Part 5: Summary

Here’s the recap of the battle of the mobile platforms:

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Development Battle - Android vs. iOS - Part 3: Testing and Debugging

I’ll be comparing my experiences with basic debugging across both platforms. What won’t be included are automated testing frameworks or 3rd party tools.

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Development Battle - Android vs. iOS - Part 2: Code

To communicate effectively, you have to know the language. Let’s take a look at the native languages of both platforms at a very high level; For iOS: Objective-C/Swift and for Android: Java.

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Development Battle - Android vs. iOS - Part 1: Development Tools

Developers are vital to each platform’s success, so let’s compare the development tools available for each platform. I’ll cover the pros and cons of each platform, based on my personal experience.

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Development Battle - Android vs. iOS

For the better part of 6 years, I have soley been an Android advocate, ignoring iOS at whatever cost. In the last few years, I have been working on a side project (formerly that I thought would benefit from being on both platforms. Over the next series of posts, I’m going to compare and contrast my experience building the same application on both platforms.

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Mobile Caching Strategy

Caching in a mobile application serves two important purposes and a good caching strategy should cover both:

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Google Plus ListView Animation

The Google Plus app for Android has a nice ListView animation when scrolling down in a list, ListView items slide up into place. This transition only happens on list items you haven’t viewed yet and only in the scroll down direction, not in the scroll up direction.

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Android ListView Optimization

When building a ListView in Android, 9 times out of 10 it’s likely that you’re using a custom Adapter to bind data to your list. By introducing the ViewHolder pattern into your Adapter, you can increase the performance of your ListView substantially.

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Android Overdraw Optimization

Overdraw is painting a pixel more than once and it’s very easy to overlook when building an Android application.